Wealth Index


Do you have only one super fund?
Are you aware of how much you are contributing to your super fund?
Are you aware of the fees associated with your existing super fund?
Are you aware of how your super monies are currently invested?
Have you received a review of your super fund in the past 12 months?


Apart from your home and super do you have other investments?
Do you have funds you can draw on in an emergency?
Are your investments diversified across different asset classes?
Are your investment returns in line with your expectations?
Have you formally reviewed your investments in the past 12 months?


Have you completed a personal budget?
Do you track your income and expenses on a regular basis?
Have you taken steps to minimise the amount of tax you pay?
Do you rely on your investment income to meet your lifestyle needs?
Are you comfortable that your investments will be able to fund your income needs in the long term?

Asset Protection

Have you completed an insurance needs analysis?
Are you aware of your current levels of insurance cover?
Will your existing insurance cover be sufficient to repay your debts and provide a lump sum for your dependants?
Have you reviewed your existing insurance cover in the past 12 months?

Estate Planning

Do you have a valid up to date Will?
Do you have a Power of Attorney?
Have you planned for the tax outcomes for your dependants after your death?
Have you nominated a beneficiary on your existing super fund?